I received a phone call several days ago from my older sister and it's the kind of phone call you don't want to hear. My sister just informed me that her older son Thomas, my nephew, had just passed away. I was shocked! My wife was shocked! We were in total disbelief. How could this have happened we asked ourselves? To a boy who had many years left to live. Well, to make a long story short Thomas had a fall accident at work years ago which left him paralyzed and damage to his brain though he would recover some of his communication skills as time went on. We were all surprised because doctors didn't give him any chance of surviving because of the massive injuries to his brain. Anyways, forward about 7 years later and he was making remarkable progress. His communication skills had improved so much so that we were expecting him to move back into his own home from the hospice care he received in El Cajon. Forward to Thursday and my sister told me the bad news that day. I don't know what happened but we are all saddened by the loss of Thomas. My wife, kids and I went out to lunch that day with my sister Jeanette and her husband Brian to give comfort to my sister's family and enjoy some close family bonding and here's a picture of us all together in Clairemont at Apple bee's. We should Thank Jehovah God for the life that he gave us. Life is so short so we should live it like it's our last day.
sorry for your families loss
My condolences. :(
This is truly so sad.. yesterday, my friend texted me too - told me their grandmother has passed away. :(
Still, we do need to be thankful.
Kindly extend my condolences to your sister's family. It's always saddening to hear of loss. It helps to know though that he is already in a much better place in God's kingdom.
I am very sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about that bad news. You are right, life is so short so we should make the most out of it.
That's the kind of phone call I definitely don't want to have. I am so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in friends and other family members, and of course in God in this difficult situation.
Condolences to you and your sister.
Sorry for your loss. Indeed life is short. May God continue to comfort you and the family.
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