This morning I was searching airfares to the Philippines for my wife and 2 kids for next year. It doesn't look good as the cost of flying to the Philippines keeps rising and making very difficult to see family in zamboanga, PI. One of the reasons why it's costing more is because of the rising cost of jet fuel. Add to that, the current poor health of the economy along with rising unemployment rates and you have a recipe for high airfares. I researched a round trip ticket from Los Angeles to Zamboanga, PI and it cost about $1400.00 round trip per person. That doesn't include the cost of a shuttle from San Diego to Los Angeles airport but to save money I've decided I will drive my wife to the airport. Not something I really want to do but I don't have a choice. It's getting to the point where it's nearly impossible to travel to see relatives in far away countries because of the rising cost of airfare. After doing further research, travel experts were not surprised to see this and were expecting higher cost. Another reason and maybe the main reason why airfares are so high is because the airline industry has lost billions over the last decade and is trying to make up for the years it went with empty seats.
Airfares are always going up and never down. That's why I actually just depend on seatsales. Luckily, most airlines offer them.. :)
Yeah tell me about it, this air fares price hiked are getting ridiculous! I want to go home so bad but the airfare is killing us especially that I also have a kid to pay a fare. =(
Really?? oh travelers would get affected by it sad because my dad is a traveler!
I know right, it is difficult to get a low air fare nowadays as all airlines are increasing their fees. I am also looking for cheaper tickets but I am not positive to find a really good deal :-(
Yeah, that's a sad reality. Even the ticket on sale, you cannot really expect to pay super low because of all the charges that comes along with it. The fuel charge is such a pain! Richer gets richer. Hayy life!
So true...it keeps rising indeed! I paid $1400 last April-May time frame, wala gani labot tong fare from Cebu to Cagayan de Oro.....barato gamay kung ting peak season.
what I meant is barato ang ticket kung dili ting peak season...ehehe!
It is so sad to know it keeps rising. It is going to be difficult to see my parents and for them to see their grandkids for the first time. I hope things will change for good. Let's all pray. I sure miss my family and Philippines.
I agree, airline ticket prices have gone steeper through the years....
$1400 is a lot of money. If the airfare will keep rising its hard for us to travel back to the Philippines...
Well, this is part of the reality. Expenses are continuously increasing while our income is still the same.
I suggest you check different airlines to compare rates and from there, you can choose the cheapest rate.
That is really frustrating when you wish you could visit a family from afar and some instances just don't seem to cooperate.
oh my, i hope not because we're planning to visit my family later this year !
it also pains me thinking that we couldn't go home because of the high cost of airfares.
That is really sad, to see the airfare increasing.
I notice that coming from Malaysia to the Philippines can be cheaper (promo fair) than to travel within the country.
Airlines are getting out of hand. How can people afford to go away anymore?? How crazy! I need to fly next year I hope they come down!!
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