Monday, August 18, 2008


I have to give Michael Phelps a high five for the major athletic accomplishments he has achieved in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I'm very happy to hear that our country has broken the world record previously held by swimmer Mark Spitz in 1972. Isn't it just amazing what the human body is capable of doing once you put your mind and effort to it? I wish i had maintained a better physical condition than I'm in now so that i wouldn't feel all the aches and cramps i feel from day to day. I can now see how important it is to be physically active and to maintain a healthy diet to keep your body in top shape. I read the latest article about how Phelps just wanted to do one thing after finishing the Olympics and that was to eat alot of junk food. That's one thing that the U.S.A. is very good at making. More power to the U.S. athletes in their conquest for the gold medals.

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