Thursday, August 18, 2011

Filipino afritada recipe

This morning my wife took our son to school and while she was away, I was trying to figure out what we could have for lunch. When it comes to preparing meals for the family to eat, it's always seems to major dilemma for our family. Either my wife will cook or I will. Chicken has been on the menu for the last few days and I was getting tired of the same old baked chicken, fried chicken thing so I poured myself a cup of coffee and searched the cabinets for something to make. I found a packet of panama afritada mix. I decided to make this for lunch. I called my wife and asked her to pick up a couple of potatoes, a red and green pepper on the way home. Well, everything went well and here's the finished product. It tasted very good and I'll bring this to work for my dinner since I work the evening shift. You can buy the afritada mix at seafood city. It's easy to make and tasty with white rice. Just follow the directions on the back for a delicious meal the whole family will enjoy.

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